53 Thoughts Every Girl Has Whilst Shopping In Primark
Don't lie, you secretly love Primark. From the 50p bargains you may stumble across whilst rummaging through an overflowing rack somewhere in the deepest darkest depths of the shop to the tragic t-shirts which really shouldn't be legal to buy, you've got to admit you've probably found some goodens in there somewhere.
Regardless of Primarks tendencies to be jam packed with people (like literally why are there so many people in there all the time?!) and to make you spend WAY more money than you needed to, you've got to love the place.
And here's 53 thoughts every girl has whilst shopping in Primark...
1. I'm in Primark why am I here
2. It looks like a bomb has exploded
3. Shall I get a basket?
4. Do I need a basket?
5. I've got a basket
6. Bloody hell these things are massive
7. Shall I carry it in the crook of my arm or is that too sassy
8. Ooh look a sale
9. Trousers for 50p, don't mind if I do
10. They're two sizes too big but who cares, THEY'RE 50p
11. Oh god I've just seen someone I know
12. I bet they're judging me for shopping in Primark
13. Oh wait, they're shopping in Primark too
14. The prices have gone up so much now
15. £10 for a skirt you must be having a laugh
16. Last year that skirt would've been £6
17. Inflation eh?!
18. Who am I kidding, it's Primark I could practically buy the whole shop with money in my piggy bank
19. Do I really need that emoji t-shirt?
20. Okay I've just put it in my basket
21. And I may or may not have put the matching leggings in there to
23. Oh look there's someone else I know
24. I've practically seen my whole school in here and I haven't even stepped 10ft into the shop yet
25. Some of these clothes are so tragic I don't even know why they were made
26. Like c'mon seriously who wants to wear an illuminous green tank top with "summer vibes" bejewelled on the front
27. Why are there so many people in here
28. Maybe I should pick up a bright pink lacy thong
29. Hmm yeah I don't have enough of them at home
30. What's that I see?
31. Oh it's a mountain of knickers
32. Best start rummaging then
33. I'll just have a quick look at the homeware section
34. Ooh cute candle
35. How come 5 have accidentally slipped into my basket
36. PUGS
38. Shall I get that pug pillow to match that pug duvet set?
39. No. Stop. You don't need anymore pug-related items
40. Okay maybe just one pillow
41. Why is the queue for the changing rooms so long
42. Whatever I'll just try it on at home and bring it back if it doesn't fit
43. Quick the queue for the till has gone down
44. I hope no one just saw me running
45. Cute slippers
46. Maybe I should get some
47. Ooh Haribo Strawbs I defo need a packet of those
48. Wow the queues gone down quick
49. Why is this cashier so enthusiastic
50. How did I end up spending £56 in here
51. I'm pretty sure I only came in here for one thing
52. Lol look at all these bargains I've got
53. I love Primark
Bethany Emerton
Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle blogger from Bournemouth.
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