Blogger's Block - a term used to describe the mental blank a blogger has when deciding what new content to upload.
A condition which bloggers can be affected by, "Blogger's Block" is no laughing matter. More prone to it than other individuals, the blogger can suffer from the dreaded "Blogger's Block" once in a while or for more rare cases on a daily basis. To help increase the awareness of this condition, please read this blog post about the awful condition and share to help stop Blogger's Block. With your help we can make a difference.
I'm actually writing this because I myself am suffering form bloggers block. Yep it happens. I can't think of anything to write - well technically I can (y'know because I'm writing this) but don't lie this post is a bit of a cop out.
I've run out of ideas or so I can't think of anything to write, so I'm writing this.
The following 35 blog post ideas are for when you're suffering form blogger's block or you need some inspo for what to write.
1. Write a post like this. Write something about what to post when you can't think of anything to post.
2. Haul. What have you bought recently? Have you accidentally spent half your wages in Boots? Blog about it (trust me you won't feel guilty if you write a blog post about it).
3. Your current everyday makeup routine. Share your day-to-day makeup secrets.
4. Who are your favourite bloggers at the moment? Tell us your faves, share the blogging love.
5. Week in photos. What have you been up to this week? Let the photos do the talking.
6. Disappointing products. Share the products that have let you down, help a girl out so she doesn't make the same mistakes.
7. Wishlist. Make a wishlist, do it monthly, do it weekly or whenever you want. Make it high-end or make it realistic. Share what you've been pinning over recently.
8. OOTD or OOTD. What outfit have you been loving recently?
9. Capsule wardrobe. What do you think are the key pieces to wear this upcoming fashion season?
10. Go-to skincare products. Which are the products you always repurchase?
11. Review something. It could be some makeup you bought during said Boots haul, a place you went for lunch, a TV show or even a book.
12. How your makeup has changed throughout the years. Share some embarrassing photos, like the one of you at the Year 6 disco with blue eyeshadow or that time in Year 8 when you went through a blusher phase. Share embarrassing moments of the past and thank yourself for learning how to do make up.
13. Room/office tour. Give a sneak peek into where the magic happens. Talk us through where your furniture is from and what you keep in your drawers (it'll basically give you an excuse to tidy your room).
14. Pamper routine. What do you like to do to help you unwind and treat yourself? This *might* include facemasks, bath bombs and candles.
15. Your haircare routine. What shampoo and conditioner do you use? Do you straighten it or curl it? Share what you do to your hair.
16. Favourite bands/artists. Share your music taste and who is your most played singer on Spotify. Tells us your music related guilty pleasures.
17. Make a list about something. It could be anything. From school to makeup. Just type away.
18. DIY. Get creative. Rip some jeans and share how you did it, make a tie-dye t-shirt and share how you did it. Let your creative juices flow.
19. Do a tag. There's so many that you can find by typing "Beauty Tag" into Google. Look there's on here for you to do.
20. Favourite high street shops. If you love H&M, let the world know. Focus on a brand or a shop and show what pieces you have bought from there.
21. What's in your bag? Empty your handbag an talk about what's in there.
22. What's ACTUALLY in your bag. Yeah even the receipts and that old piece of gum - don't glamorise it, tells us what's really in there.
23. How do you edit your Instagram photos? Spill all the secrets on the filters and editing tools you use.
24. What would you tell yourself? In 5 years from now, or 5 years ago. If you could tell your past of future self something, what would it be?
25. What are your favourite recipes? Are they ones from a cookbook, ones that have been passed down in your family or ones you've created yourself? Tell us all and make our mouths drool.
26. A tutorial. Show us how you create your fave smoky eye look or how you get big bouncy curls in your hair. Share your secrets to achieve your fave looks.
27. Beauty tips and tricks. What little secrets and hacks do you do that you need to share?!
28. Unboxing of a monthly subscription. If you're subscribed to a monthly box whether that be Birchbox, Glossybox or even a Graze Box, photograph you opening it and share what you've got inside.
29. Makeup collection/storage. Give us a tour of what makeup you have no matter how much or little you have. Talk about your fave products and where you got them from.
30. Recreate a celebrities makeup look. Kimmy K or Olivia Palermo or whoever you want, use your own makeup and show us how to get the look that the stars have.
31. Budget beauty. Share your favourite drugstore and budget beauty buys. A haul, a tutorial or reviews, share what budget beauty bits you've been loving.
32. High -end beauty. Like budget beauty, share what high-end makeup pieces you have and which ones you love.
33. Things you've learnt. What have you leant from life so far? Give some advice, share experiences to help others.
34. Social media links. This is for when you really don't want to write anything longer than would in a tweet. Share the links to where your readers can find you on othe platforms whether that be on, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr, share your social media links so your readers can see what you've been up to.
35. Share some inspiration. Who/where/what inspires you? Are you one of those who gets ideas from Pintrest or Tumblr or Instagram? Share you fashion, makeup and interior design idols.
And that was 35 posts to post if you can't think of any posts to post.
I hope you've managed to get over your blogger's block if you have it!
Thank you for reading!

To contact me, or for business related inquiries, please feel free to email me at
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