And so it's coming to the end of my holiday which means 3 things. 1) No more sun. 2) Back to normal life and 3) No more holiday themed posts - which I'm not chuffed about in the slightest.
My time in Spain has been lovely. I've been able to see so much of where my Auntie lives as well as neighbouring towns and Barcelona itself and able to appreciate it more than when I used to visit every year as a child. I've been able to condense so much into a short amount of time and I'm so grateful for the entire experience.
If you have a look back at my previous three holiday posts; Day 1 & 2, Day 3 & 4 and Day 5 & 6 you'll be able to have a snippet into what I managed to get up to during my week here.
Day 7 & 8. My final two days, here's what I got up to.
Friday marked the final end of a 5 days of work experience and that afternoon I assisted my Auntie in my final 3 classes.
Later on in the evening - and after having a delish salad (see photo) - we headed on down to an open air concert in the town centre where local bands were playing. We stopped off for cocktails as a bar called "Miranda" and were just enough distance from the concert to be able to watch and hear the bands without it damaging our eardrums.
On the way back we walked past and ice cream parlour and decided to stop for some fro-yo. *insert eye heart emoji* this stuff was good. Like really good. Like so good that the photos don't even do it justice.
Maybe because the guy who served me look like an A&F model *drools* but no seriously it was lush.
As you can see in the photos there were ALL the toppings and so many to choose. From Oreos to mini cookies, to 100's and 1000's and every type of chocolate you could imagine (plus loads of sauces) And for only 3,20€, I couldn't say no.
In the end I went for a medium sized fro-yo with smarties, chocolate balls, coconut and Nutella sauce - it was AMAZING.
And now about 5 stone heavier, 200€ poorer but with a whole load of make up to try out it was time for me to catch my flight home.
I'd forgotten what Girona airport had looked like and man I wasn't disappointed. The duty free there nearly had me spending all my leftover cash. I was mega tempted to buy YSL Touche Eclat but then I couldn't decide so I settled for a bar of Milka that was probs longer than my leg - priorities durh.
The flight home itself only took 1 hr 25mins and the company I had next to me made it a whole lot better (*cough cough* two hot boys). And then I touched down in Btown where the temperature was a
And that is my final instalment of my time in Spain.
Hope you have enjoyed reading them all.

To contact me, or for business related inquiries, please feel free to email me at
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