Sleep is the time to let your worries pass and to relax in the comfort of your own bed, ready for a fresh new start the next day. So why not make it even more special, follow these 7 steps and you'll always have a perfect nights sleep...
1. Shower
Going to bed clean is key. I mean of course you'd shower daily anyway but having a shower just before bed makes all your limbs feel nourished when snuggled up under your duvet. Whether you wash your hair or not, give your body a deep cleanse. Go to bed feeling fresh and you're guaranteed to wake up feeling fab and ready for the day.
2. Fresh bedding
Now you're all sparkly and clean, you don't want to get back into a dirty bed. Change your sheets and feel the crisp, cotton sheets caress your cleansed limbs as you drift off.
Side note: shave your legs to make sure the sheets feel extra fab.
3. Treat your skin
Up your daily skincare routine in the evenings and include products to treat yourself. One of my personal faves is Kiehls Midnight Recovery Concentrate. Just a few drops patted into your face will give you younger looking skin by the morning - plus is smells heavenly too. But if oils aren't for you, treat your skin to a thick, rich moisturiser and lather it all over your cleansed body and got to bed feel all lovely and nourished.
4. Pillow spray
Now you're probably thinking WTF?! But here me out. Pillow sprays, especially lavender infused ones help you drift off into a relaxing slumber as you smell sweet, fruity aromatic fragrances. Pillow spray helps to soothe your body and mind and will become a must-have sleep solution. My absolute go-to pillow spray is this one from Innerscents which is a dream (ha see what I did there) but This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray is brill too.
5. Nightime Tea
Personally, I'm not the biggest tea drinker. I'm more of a coffee kinda girl but 8 o'clock in the evening (lol that's my bedtime) is no time for a caffeine fix. Relax and unwind with a herbal, detox or fruity tea and sip away to calm yourself down and enjoy the warm trickle down your throat.
My fave is this one from Twinings and it's the perfect accompaniment to a good book see below.
6. Book
We'd probably all prefer to skip step 6 and replace it with a scroll through Insta or Facebook because y'know that's way more better for your brain. The blue back light that all electronic devices gives off encourages your brain to stay awake longer than you need it to and so that's why sometimes it's harder to get to sleep. And that's why step 6 is important. By all means have your TV on for background noise (that's what I do) but put your phone aside and pick up a book instead. Calm your brain down and get ready to sleep by getting into a good book. You'll feel so much better afterwards and it's actually good for you, so there's that.
7. Comfy Pyjamas
And last but not least, make sure you're comfy. Don't go to sleep wearing your new two piece pyjama set that's really cute and sassy but a bit too snug and uncomfortable, throw on a baggy tee instead and be comfy.
Sleep is essential and a time to really unwind and let your body do all the healing stuff that it's gotta do. Make every night a peaceful night and treat your body.
Follow the 7 steps and I promise you'll get a fab nights sleep and by the morning you'll feel right as rain and ready to take on anything that life has to throw at you.
Thanks for reading!

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