I'm back.
Guess who's back.
So I've been thinking about getting back into blogging for a while now.
I've been umming and arring with the idea of blowing the cobwebs off bethanyemerton.com and resurrecting it from it's year long "nap". What harm can jamming a few sentences together every now and again do, eh?
Honestly, I've missed blogging.
I've missed writing and seeing what satirical posts I can come up with. I miss getting excited about something new I've discovered and wanting to share it with like-minded people who may or may (probably) not read my blog. I just miss the freedom of being able to plonk myself down with my laptop and type away any old nonsense about lipsticks, food and shoes and everything else inbetween.
But seriously, I totes miss how fun blogging was and writing about whatever I wanted and expressing myself on such a platform.
I guess if you're reading this you *may* be reading the first post of many to follow, the first post of 2017 and the first post of me getting back into the swing of things and bringing bethanyemerton.com back for good. How exciting.
So Bethany, what have you been up to since you last post in February 2016 I hear you ask, well if I reeled off all the wonderful, adventurous and exciting things I've been up to since then we'd probably be here for days.........only kidding.
Although "wonderful things" isn't *quite* the phrase I'd use to describe the past year, it has actually been a gooden'; I've grown a lot as a person and done things I never thought I could do, bought things I never wish I had and drunken enough coffee to see me right through to the next millenium - so yeah, you could say I've had a pretty fab year.
But that was like so last year, let's focus on the here and now and most importantly the fact that I am writing this and if you're reading this then it means I haven't forgotten how to write and have actually hit the publish button.
But by no means does this post give you the right to have a snoop through my old posts to see what you've missed. Nah nah nah. I mean, unless you're looking for my SUPER AWESOME Sweet Potato Fries recipe (that's why you came here in the first place, right?) well you can read that here or my "famous" list post about Bournemouth, oh yeah hi that was your gal right here that wrote that. I know right. Groundbreaking. It has 20,000+ views, say whaaaaat. Have a read of it here if for some reason you missed in back in the Feb of 2015.
So that's that.
I guess you might be seeing a lot more of me then (lucky you).
If this post was a one time thing and nothing more came of it, then cool thanks for your time. BUUUT if something does come of it and I actually follow up with my not-so-new-years-resolution of getting back to blogging then HOLLA FOR A DOLLA your girl is back in the game.
But for now I'll shut up and let you get back to scrolling through your Facebook feed and I'll call it a day.
If you read this then thanks, means a lot.
For now, I'm outty.
Bethany Emerton
Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle blogger from Bournemouth.
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