21 Things You’ve *Probably* Done During Lockdown
It’s official. We’re at the 50 day mark of lockdown.
It’s at that point now where a walk around the block is basically the new going out-out and a cheeky midday trip to Sainsbury’s for bread and milk (and loo roll) feels like a holiday.
Who would’ve thought joggers would have become a wardrobe staple (and who would’ve thought I needed 8 different pairs).
My feet haven’t seen anything other than the rotation of slipper to trainer to slipper for what feels like an eternity and my postman, well the poor guy has seen me more times in the last 2 months than the whole of 2019 - lucky him.
I’ve found myself, and I’m sure I’m not the only one (I hope), passing the time with things I never thought I would’ve been doing during what was set to be “my year” this 2020.
So here’s 21 things I’ve done during lockdown and you’ve *probably* (if not definitely) have done these too...
1. Baked Banana Bread
Yeah you 100% made a banging loaf week 1 of lockdown. Totally original, totally unique, totally never been done before and you’ll totally never make it again.
2. Downloaded Tik Tok
There’s 2 types of people. Those who have Tik Tok and those who laughed at those who had Tik Tok but then cave and download it 2 days after said comment was made. You’ve defo learnt at least 2 Tik Tok dances and have 25+ drafts you daren’t post.
3. Contemplated Becoming Tik Tok Famous
Like how hard can it be? If I just nail Savage and hashtag “#fyp” it will happen overnight, right?
4. Something Has Happened To Your Hair
(If you listen closely you can literally hear every hairdresser in the UK quaking whilst reading this.)
You’ve either had a mid-lockdown crisis and gone at it with your Mother’s kitchen scissors, box dyed it some colour or just the front two pieces of your hair a different colour (Tik Tok made you do it, right?) or got your Dad and his plyers hacking your overdue weave out.
Done none of the above? Don’t worry there’s still plenty time.
5. Put Half Of Your Life Up For Sale on Depop
This defo follows on from a major bedroom clear out. Your wardrobe has been sliced in half and you’re convinced there’s someone out there who wants to buy your stuff. 2015 Primark logo tee? Someone will have it for a fiver (plus p+p obvs) I’m sure.
6. You Click On Clothing Apps Like It’s The Weather App
Am I the only person who checks the New In section like it’s going out of fashion (pardon the pun). What else is there to do other than scroll through pages of crop tops, tie dye joggers and loungewear sets on the daily.
7. Your Average Phone Screen Time Has Defo Dramatically Increased
What do you mean I look at my phone 8 hours a day? And 72 hours a week on Tik Tok? There must be something wrong here.
8. You’ve Taken Up A New Hobby Which Your 2019 Self Would Never Have Believed
If you told me last year that I would be an avid bike-rider I would’ve laughed. Me on a saddle? You’ve got to be kidding me.
9. You’ve Done, You’re Doing Or You Thought About Doing An Ab Workout Challenge
Might as well make use of this time and get your dream summer bod just in time for whatever fraction of summer we’ll have left, right? Good on ya for doing 10 minutes of sit ups, crunches and leg raises (and skipping the side planks) for a week straight.
10. You Shout “CAROLE BASKIN, KILLED HER HUSBAND WHACKED HIM” At Random Times Throughout The Day
Ya Mums sick of you. Ya Dads sick of you. Yet you just can’t help but scream this line. When? Every 5 mins apparently.
11. You’ve Either Spent Your Entire 80% Furlough Pay Or None Of It
Literally there’s no inbetween. Your outgoings have either gone from 100 to 0 or 0 to 100. Got PLT, Beauty Bay and Amazon parcels arriving daily? Same hun.
12. You’ve Amazon Primed Too Much
But I 100% needed that Quartz Face Roller AND LED bedroom lights Mum.
13. You Haven’t Worn Makeup Since Lockdown Began
C’mon, I can’t be the only one who hasn’t done a full face or any kind of face that isn’t a bare face since this all started. My makeup bag has practically been untouched for 50 days and is collecting dust right now as we speak.
14. Your Dining Room Has Been Turned Into An Office
Whether you’re working from home or ya Dad’s working from home. Some part of your house has now become home to a 9-5er. No more eating dinner at the dining room table, that’s the office now. Thanks Dad.
15. You’ve Never Been As Natural As You Are Right Now
Acrylics? Long gone! Eyelash extensions? RIP. Head of highlights? What’s that? You’re literally in your purest form albeit a slap of fake tan every now and then and if you’re lucky your weave is still hanging in there. God help our hairdressers and nail techs once this is all over.
16. And You Are On The Verge Of Not Recognising Yourself
Who is this absolute natural beauty staring back at me in the mirror. I wonder if anyone will recognise me after this.
17. You’ve Forgotten What Social Interaction Feels Like
You mean other humans exist other than those in my household?
18. You Joined A Zoom Call With Your Top Half Dressed Up And You Bottom Half In Pj Bottoms
Guilty! C’mon, we’ve all done it. Meeting with work up top but meeting with the couch down below.
19. You’re Planning On Never Using Zoom Again After This
The chimes when someone joins the call - over it. You’ve out-Zoomed yourself. Once a week with the fam was enough, let alone weekly work calls.
20. You Haven’t Worn “Normal” Clothes For 2 Months
Different day, different pair of joggers. Can you imagine the feeling of putting jeans on again! My body has seen nothing but total couch appropriate clothing and that is how I shall carry on.
21. You’ve Contemplated How Much You Took Everything For Granted
Some good is going to come out of this and the overwhelming feeling of gratitude is surely up here. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotion; from meltdowns to coming to terms with it all and to the feeling of contentment when you recognise what’s really actually important in life.
So in the famous words from High School Musical (Zac Efron <3)......... “We're all in this together”!
Keep smiling.
Thanks for reading!
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